Kune Kune Piglets February 2023

 Cinnamon Bun x Chris

(Both parents registered with BKKPS)

5 girls and one boy (Boy is already reserved)

All double-wattled except one ginger girl.

The last photo is of the little boy that is already RESERVED. 

Apple Pie with Oreo

(Only Apple Pie is registered with BKKPS, Oreo is unregistered)

4 boys and 2 girls

The girls are the mostly black one and the ginger with black on the legs. The rest are boys.

TimTam with Oreo

(Both parents are unregistered)

4 boys and 3 girls 

The girls in this litter are the mostly black one, a ginger with the black ear and the genger with the black right front leg. Rest are boys.

It wasn't easy taking the photos as they really keep still and don't want to pose for the perfect shot. Still some more litters to come. Maggie and Jellybean.